Saturday, April 12, 2008

San extension Tunner

To check the thro'put via fcip pipe.
MDS9509-A1(config)# san-ext-tuner enable
MDS9509-A1# san-ext-tuner
MDS9509-A1(san-ext)# nwwn 10:00:00:0d:3f:2c:11:22
MDS9509-A1(san-ext)# nport pwwn 10:00:00:0d:3f:2c:11:21 vsan 100 interface gigabitethernet 4/1
MDS9509-A1# show flogi database
fc1/5 100 0x660300 21:00:00:e0:8b:08:f6:18 20:00:00:e0:8b:08:f6:18
iscsi4/1 100 0x660003 10:00:00:0d:3f:2c:11:21 10:00:00:0d:3f:2c:11:22

Total number of flogi = 2.
without iscsi , I got this error
MDS9509-B1(san-ext)# nport pwwn 21:08:00:d0:b2:00:82:c0 vsan 100 interface gigabitethernet 2/1
Error: flogi for the virtual nport failed(0x40be0009)

SAN EXT is not persistent between the reboots.

iscsi enable
interface iscsi 2/1 enable
MDS9509-B1(config)# san-ext-tuner enable
MDS9509-B1(config)# exit
MDS9509-B1# san-ext-tuner MDS9509-B1(config)# interface iscsi 2/1
MDS9509-B1(config-if)# no shut
MDS9509-B1(config-if)# exit
MDS9509-B1(san-ext)# nwwn 20:00:00:d0:b2:00:82:d0
MDS9509-B1(san-ext)# nport pwwn 20:08:00:d0:b2:00:82:d0 vsan 100 interface gigabitethernet 2/1
MDS9509-B1# show flogi database
fc1/5 100 0x4e0001 21:00:00:d0:b2:00:82:c0 20:00:00:d0:b2:00:82:c0
iscsi2/1 100 0x4e0004 20:08:00:d0:b2:00:82:d0 20:00:00:d0:b2:00:82:d0

Total number of flogi = 2.



MDS9509-B1# show zoneset active vsan 100
zoneset name ZoneSet1 vsan 100
zone name Zone1 vsan 100
attribute qos priority high
pwwn 21:00:00:e0:8b:0b:fc:0d [dell6450]
* fcid 0x4e0001 [pwwn 21:00:00:d0:b2:00:82:c0] [xio-hab0]
* fcid 0x660300 [pwwn 21:00:00:e0:8b:08:f6:18]

zone name SanExtVirtualHosts vsan 100
* fcid 0x660003 [pwwn 10:00:00:0d:3f:2c:11:21]
* fcid 0x4e0004 [pwwn 20:08:00:d0:b2:00:82:d0]
MDS9509-B1# show fcns database

VSAN 100:
0x4e0001 N 21:00:00:d0:b2:00:82:c0 scsi-fcp:both
0x4e0004 N 20:08:00:d0:b2:00:82:d0 scsi-fcp
0x660003 N 10:00:00:0d:3f:2c:11:21 scsi-fcp
0x660300 N 21:00:00:e0:8b:08:f6:18 (Qlogic) ipfc scsi-fcp:init

Total number of entries = 4

MDS9509-A1(san-ext)# nport pwwn 10:00:00:0d:3f:2c:11:21 vsan 100 interface gigabitethernet 4/1
MDS9509-A1(san-ext-nport)# write command-id 100 target 20:08:00:d0:b2:00:82:d0 transfer-size 1024 outstanding-ios 100 continuous
MDS9509-A1# show san-ext-tuner nports
GigabitEthernet4/1 10:00:00:0d:3f:2c:11:22 10:00:00:0d:3f:2c:11:21 100
MDS9509-B1# show san-ext-tuner nports
GigabitEthernet2/1 20:00:00:d0:b2:00:82:d0 20:08:00:d0:b2:00:82:d0 100
MDS9509-A1# show san-ext-tuner interface gigabitethernet 4/1 nport pwwn 10:00:00:0d:3f:2c:11:21 vsan 100 counters
Statistics for nport
Node name 10:00:00:0d:3f:2c:11:22 Port name 10:00:00:0d:3f:2c:11:21
I/Os per sec : 230267
Reads : 66%
Writes : 33%
Egress throughput : 96.30 MBs/sec (Max - 205.18 MBs/sec)
Ingress throughput : 176.91 MBs/sec (Max - 177.43 MBs/sec)
Average response time : Read - 651 us, Write - 1297 us
Minimum response time : Read - 480 us, Write - 335 us
Maximum response time : Read - 990 us, Write - 1764 us
Errors : 0
MDS9509-B1# show san-ext-tuner interface gigabitethernet 2/1 nport pwwn 20:08:00:d0:b2:00:82:d0 vsan 100 counters
Statistics for nport
Node name 20:00:00:d0:b2:00:82:d0 Port name 20:08:00:d0:b2:00:82:d0
I/Os per sec : 229946
Reads : 66%
Writes : 33%
Egress throughput : 176.65 MBs/sec (Max - 177.78 MBs/sec)
Ingress throughput : 96.17 MBs/sec (Max - 205.18 MBs/sec)
Average response time : Read - 1 us, Write - 656 us
Minimum response time : Read - 1 us, Write - 113 us
Maximum response time : Read - 7 us, Write - 1012 us
Errors : 0
MDS9509-A1(san-ext-nport)# write command-id 103 target 20:08:00:d0:b2:00:82:d0 transfer-size 1024 outstanding-ios 100 continuous
MDS9509-A1(san-ext-nport)# write command-id 104 target 20:08:00:d0:b2:00:82:d0 transfer-size 1024 outstanding-ios 100 continuous
MDS9509-A1# show san-ext-tuner interface gigabitethernet 4/1 nport pwwn 10:00:00:0d:3f:2c:11:21 vsan 100 counters
Statistics for nport
Node name 10:00:00:0d:3f:2c:11:22 Port name 10:00:00:0d:3f:2c:11:21
I/Os per sec : 206454
Reads : 39%
Writes : 60%
Egress throughput : 142.51 MBs/sec (Max - 205.18 MBs/sec)
Ingress throughput : 105.52 MBs/sec (Max - 177.43 MBs/sec)
Average response time : Read - 1212 us, Write - 2417 us
Minimum response time : Read - 480 us, Write - 335 us
Maximum response time : Read - 1395 us, Write - 2561 us
Errors : 0


removed write/tape and ip compression .....shut/no shut the gige, fcip cameup
but sanext config went away , so recreated it again.

MDS9509-A1(san-ext)# nport pwwn 10:00:00:0d:3f:2c:11:21 vsan 100 interface gigabitethernet 4/1
MDS9509-A1(san-ext-nport)# write command-id 103 target 20:08:00:d0:b2:00:82:d0 transfer-size 1024 outstanding-ios 100 continuous
MDS9509-A1(san-ext-nport)# write command-id 104 target 20:08:00:d0:b2:00:82:d0 transfer-size 1024 outstanding-ios 100 continuous
MDS9509-A1(san-ext-nport)# write command-id 100 target 20:08:00:d0:b2:00:82:d0 transfer-size 1024 outstanding-ios 100 continuous
MDS9509-A1(san-ext-nport)# read command-id 101 target 20:08:00:d0:b2:00:82:d0 transfer-size 1024 outstanding-ios 100 continuous
MDS9509-A1(san-ext-nport)# read command-id 102 target 20:08:00:d0:b2:00:82:d0 transfer-size 1024 outstanding-ios 100 continuous
MDS9509-A1(san-ext-nport)# exit
MDS9509-A1# show san-ext-tuner interface gigabitethernet 4/1 nport pwwn 10:00:00:0d:3f:2c:11:21 vsan 100 counters
Statistics for nport
Node name 10:00:00:0d:3f:2c:11:22 Port name 10:00:00:0d:3f:2c:11:21
I/Os per sec : 205242
Reads : 57%
Writes : 42%
Egress throughput : 105.85 MBs/sec (Max - 204.80 MBs/sec)
Ingress throughput : 138.77 MBs/sec (Max - 139.05 MBs/sec)
Average response time : Read - 1708 us, Write - 3399 us
Minimum response time : Read - 893 us, Write - 354 us
Maximum response time : Read - 2199 us, Write - 4178 us
Errors : 0

Let me enable the write/tape and ip compression
MDS9509-A1# show san-ext-tuner interface gigabitethernet 4/1 nport pwwn 10:00:00:0d:3f:2c:11:21 vsan 100 counters
Statistics for nport
Node name 10:00:00:0d:3f:2c:11:22 Port name 10:00:00:0d:3f:2c:11:21
I/Os per sec : 203654
Reads : 57%
Writes : 42%
Egress throughput : 105.05 MBs/sec (Max - 105.30 MBs/sec)
Ingress throughput : 137.69 MBs/sec (Max - 213.75 MBs/sec)
Average response time : Read - 1721 us, Write - 3425 us
Minimum response time : Read - 259 us, Write - 2017 us
Maximum response time : Read - 2304 us, Write - 4240 us
Errors : 0

MDS9509-B1# show san-ext-tuner interface gigabitethernet 2/1 nport pwwn 20:08:00:d0:b2:00:82:d0 vsan 100 counters
Statistics for nport
Node name 20:00:00:d0:b2:00:82:d0 Port name 20:08:00:d0:b2:00:82:d0
I/Os per sec : 203896
Reads : 57%
Writes : 42%
Egress throughput : 137.87 MBs/sec (Max - 213.85 MBs/sec)
Ingress throughput : 105.15 MBs/sec (Max - 105.42 MBs/sec)
Average response time : Read - 1 us, Write - 1720 us
Minimum response time : Read - 1 us, Write - 993 us
Maximum response time : Read - 14 us, Write - 2475 us
Errors : 0
no compression
MDS9509-B1# config t
Enter configuration commands, one per line. End with CNTL/Z.
MDS9509-B1(config)# interface fcip 2
MDS9509-B1(config-if)# no write-accelerator
MDS9509-B1(config-if)# no write-accelerator tape-accelerator
MDS9509-B1(config-if)# no ip-compression
MDS9509-A1(config)# interface fcip 2
MDS9509-A1(config-if)# no write-accelerator
MDS9509-A1(config-if)# no write-accelerator tape-accelerator
MDS9509-A1(config-if)# no ip-compression
MDS9509-B1(config)# interface gigabitethernet 2/1
MDS9509-B1(config-if)# shut
MDS9509-B1(config-if)# no shut
MDS9509-A1(config-if)# interface gigabitethernet 4/1
MDS9509-A1(config-if)# shut
MDS9509-A1(config-if)# no shutdown
MDS9509-B1# show interface fcip2
fcip2 is trunking
Hardware is GigabitEthernet
Port WWN is 20:42:00:05:30:00:24:5e
Peer port WWN is 20:c2:00:05:30:00:24:1e
Admin port mode is auto, trunk mode is on
Port mode is TE
vsan is 1
Trunk vsans (allowed active) (1,100)
Trunk vsans (operational) (1,100)
Trunk vsans (up) (1,100)
Trunk vsans (isolated) ()
Trunk vsans (initializing) ()
Using Profile id 1 (interface GigabitEthernet2/1)
Peer Information
Peer Internet address is and port is 3225
Write acceleration mode is off
Tape acceleration mode is off
Tape Accelerator flow control buffer size is 256 KBytes
IP Compression is disabled
Special Frame is disabled
Maximum number of TCP connections is 2
Time Stamp is disabled
MDS9509-A1# show interface fcip2
fcip2 is trunking
Hardware is GigabitEthernet
Port WWN is 20:c2:00:05:30:00:24:1e
Peer port WWN is 20:42:00:05:30:00:24:5e
Admin port mode is auto, trunk mode is on
Port mode is TE
vsan is 1
Trunk vsans (allowed active) (1,100)
Trunk vsans (operational) (1,100)
Trunk vsans (up) (1,100)
Trunk vsans (isolated) ()
Trunk vsans (initializing) ()
Using Profile id 1 (interface GigabitEthernet4/1)
Peer Information
Peer Internet address is and port is 3225
Write acceleration mode is off
Tape acceleration mode is off
Tape Accelerator flow control buffer size is 256 KBytes
IP Compression is disabled
Special Frame is disabled
Maximum number of TCP connections is 2
Time Stamp is disabled
MDS9509-B1# san-ext-tuner
MDS9509-B1(san-ext)# nport pwwn 20:08:00:d0:b2:00:82:d0 vsan 100 interface gigabitethernet 2/1
MDS9509-B1(san-ext-nport)# exit
MDS9509-A1(san-ext)# nport pwwn 10:00:00:0d:3f:2c:11:21 vsan 100 interface gigabitethernet 4/1
MDS9509-A1(san-ext-nport)# read command-id 102 target 20:08:00:d0:b2:00:82:d0 transfer-size 1024 outstanding-ios 100 continuous
MDS9509-A1(san-ext-nport)# read command-id 101 target 20:08:00:d0:b2:00:82:d0 transfer-size 1024 outstanding-ios 100 continuous
MDS9509-A1(san-ext-nport)# write command-id 100 target 20:08:00:d0:b2:00:82:d0 transfer-size 1024 outstanding-ios 100 continuous
MDS9509-A1(san-ext-nport)# write command-id 104 target 20:08:00:d0:b2:00:82:d0 transfer-size 1024 outstanding-ios 100 continuous
MDS9509-A1(san-ext-nport)# write command-id 103 target 20:08:00:d0:b2:00:82:d0 transfer-size 1024 outstanding-ios 100 continuous
MDS9509-A1(san-ext-nport)# exit
MDS9509-A1# show san-ext-tuner interface gigabitethernet 4/1 nport pwwn 10:00:00:0d:3f:2c:11:21 vsan 100 counters
Statistics for nport
Node name 10:00:00:0d:3f:2c:11:22 Port name 10:00:00:0d:3f:2c:11:21
I/Os per sec : 210123
Reads : 57%
Writes : 42%
Egress throughput : 108.37 MBs/sec (Max - 108.46 MBs/sec)
Ingress throughput : 142.07 MBs/sec (Max - 213.73 MBs/sec)
Average response time : Read - 1668 us, Write - 3320 us
Minimum response time : Read - 197 us, Write - 1725 us
Maximum response time : Read - 2214 us, Write - 4109 us
Errors : 0
MDS9509-B1# show san-ext-tuner interface gigabitethernet 2/1 nport pwwn 20:08:00:d0:b2:00:82:d0 vsan 100 counters
Statistics for nport
Node name 20:00:00:d0:b2:00:82:d0 Port name 20:08:00:d0:b2:00:82:d0
I/Os per sec : 210175
Reads : 57%
Writes : 42%
Egress throughput : 142.08 MBs/sec (Max - 213.73 MBs/sec)
Ingress throughput : 108.42 MBs/sec (Max - 108.63 MBs/sec)
Average response time : Read - 1 us, Write - 1668 us
Minimum response time : Read - 1 us, Write - 815 us
Maximum response time : Read - 13 us, Write - 2205 us
Errors : 0

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